Schedule 8 captures the dividends a taxpayer received from a Namibian Building Society.
Building Societies dividends on Ordinary Indefinite Period Shares;
Building Society dividends on Fixed Period Shares.
Expenses i.r.o. Dividends received
Please supply a list reflecting the name of the done, the amounts of the donation and attach the certificates issued by the educational institution or welfare organization to which the donations was made.
Other expenses incurred in the production of income
Please supply a list indicating the nature of the expenses and the amounts expended
Other deductions
Please supply a list indicating the nature of the deductions and the amounts claimed
Interest on loans and mortgage bonds
Attach a statement showing:
Property on which loan or mortgage was raised;
Names and addresses of persons to whom or institutions to which interest accrued was paid per loan or mortgage bond (NB. The amounts must not include capital repayments on the bonds or loans);
Please attach bank and building society certificates reflecting details of interest and dividends received.